Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back-to-School Cheer and Optimism

By Lawrence Manetti, St. Joseph School Principal

Well, the optimism of a new school year is upon us.

Yesterday we gave a cheerful "Welcome back!" to our students in grades 1-8. It was great to see so many familiar faces (and a few new ones).

This is my 33rd year as a school principal and my 15th year as St. Joseph School principal; and I still find the first day of school as exciting as ever.

Today, we welcome our preschoolers and kindergarteners. Connected to that, our Parent Club will be hosting its "Boo-Hoo Breakfast" for parents of preschoolers and kindergarteners. This is a nice little "getting to know you" event designed to build camaraderie among our parents, encourage them to join and be active in the Parent Club, answer any questions they may have about the school, and help make their children's transition from home to school smooth and enjoyable.

Please keep in mind that we are still accepting students in all grades for the 2011-12 school year. This is especially important information for parents who may have registered their children elsewhere but found that the school was---for whatever reason---not as good a fit as they had hoped.

If you know any parents who fit that description, please spread the good news about St. Joseph School and encourage them to call me directly at (708) 458-2927. I will personally answer any questions they may have, and I will help walk them through the registration process.

Have a great day...

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